Website Testing Website Matrix MaidBot
Initial - With some shuffling around, I managed to free up enough resources on Isoroku in order to start moving the Dockerswarm VM to it.
As such, the services listed above will be unavailable for the time being.
ETA for everything to come back up again is estimated to be 30 minutes.
Update 11/06/2020 17:22 - Migration is taking a lot longer than I expected due to some distractions (thanks Ryothan).
I am now downloading the image for the Dockerswarm VM to Isoroku, after which it can be imported.
New ETA is about 30-45 minutes from now (free from distractions).
Update 11/06/2020 17:22 - Isoroku is now importing the Dockerswarm VM.
new ETA is about 5-10 minutes from now.
Update 11/06/2020 17:34 - Dockerswarm VM is running again, all services should be back online very rapidly.